Refund Policy
TFX has a transparent refund policy. Our essence is to provide the best experience for our greatest asset: our customers. Therefore, we believe in and strictly follow our refund policy model, where the same ease and practicality that the customer had to purchase our product or hire our service, he also needs in case he chooses to cancel it at any time. As a result, all customers have complete autonomy to cancel, without bureaucracy, the products and services contracted by our Support Center, in a practical and simple way. We believe that the customer’s freedom and decision-making power is important to our company, in accordance with our culture, essence, and fundamental values as a company.
Deadlines for Refund Request
We inform you that our client will have a period of 07 (seven) days, counting from the approval of the purchase, to cancel the contracted service without any retention of amounts by the contracted party.
Refund will not be applicable in the following cases:
a) In which the service has already been enjoyed by the contracting party;
b) When the date between the purchase and the date of performance of the services is less than seven days;
c) When the term for using the services expires, without having exercised the right to use them;
d) When any of the requirements set forth herein to cancel the contract are not met;
e) When the contracting party has partially used the contracted services.
Additional Refund Information
a) Even so, from the 8th (eighth) day to the 14th (fourteenth) day, there will be a retention of 20% (twenty percent) of the total value of the contracted products and services;
b) From the 15th (fifteenth) day to the 21st (twenty-first) day, there will be a retention of 50% (fifty percent) of the amount duly paid;
c) And, from the 22nd (twenty-second) day, 100% (one hundred percent) of the value of the products and/or services purchased will be withheld, without the right to any refund of amounts to the contracting party, serving the payment, even if initial, of the contractor, the acceptance of these specific clauses of retention of values.
Refund Validation Procedure
In a very practical way, TFX has a model for validating the refund of products and/or services contracted with us. As a result, the request must be made through the Client Area (“TFX”) and go to the section “Opening Tickets” and “Request Refund”, then you must fill in the form and agree with the responsibility for refund and deletion of data, being the sole responsibility of the client who requested it.
For our customers in the segments: “Personal” and “Business”, we will contact you via a call or by message via Email or SMS to confirm the request, for security measures. Again, your decision is respected and you will not be asked why you canceled. You will then receive an email confirming the refund requested through the sector: [email protected], clearly informing your request by a digital signature, with the guarantee of information security through our company, guaranteed even by our Security Policy, which makes clear all the variables and procedures that we follow internally.
Even so, it is worth noting that the request must contain all the data of the contractor correctly, as well as specific information about the products and/or services duly contracted with us, and the request about the intention to cancel that service, as well as all requests necessary for the approval of the refund that the contractor’s attendants require are sent.
After sending and receiving your refund request, it will be evaluated immediately by our Support Center and returned to the applicant via electronic contact (email), within a period of up to 7 (seven) business days. The return/refund (if applicable) will be made within 15 (fifteen) business days from the approval of the refund request. Even though, after contracting the main provision and products and/or services, in the event of a new contract, each one will respect, as a starting point, the closing date of the contract, and cannot be used for the purposes of these novation clauses.