Social Responsability


TFX, fully aware of its real and objective role in society and with the aim of maximizing its social performance, reiterates its commitment to continuous improvement and the pursuit of excellence through our Social Responsibility Management System, which covers the entire management structure and required processes. The Social Responsibility Management System aims to improve and focus primarily on the quality of relationships and conditions in the work environment with employees, collaborators, and other interested parties, having as requirements the Company’s policies, standards, and commitments, expressed through our Compliance.

Purpose and Application

Our Social Responsibility Management System deals with principles that promote respect for human beings in all their aspects and aim to promote the continuous improvement of relationships and, above all, conditions in the work environment, extending the commitment to respect Human Rights, Children’s Rights and Fundamental Labor Rights to its suppliers. Even so, our System demonstrates clarity and transparency in relationships, establishing policies and procedures to manage matters that the Company can control or influence and expressing to interested parties that such practices are in compliance with this Standard.